A downloadable game

I made a choose your own adventure since that's all I could mechanically pull off given my skillset and the time I had available. 

Also, I know the rules said family friendly, but I ended up making a game with terror and some violence. So I wouldn't recommend showing this to children. 

I hope you enjoy!


expectancy.zip 5 MB

Install instructions

Since this is an ASP.NET web app, I ran a dotnet publish command and, while I got all the files neccessary, my computer doesn't trust them... I don't really know how to publish "trustworthy" files. I'll take any advice I can get on that.

So, it does work, but I won't be offended if no one wants to run it.

If you do download it, extract the zip, enter the publish folder and run Expectancy.exe. After your OS tells you not to, run it, and it should give you the localhost port to paste into your browser.



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So, I know it's past the game jam time limit for submissions, but I rewrote my game in js to work in the browser - much less complicated (and safer).

Here's the same game, different name.

I run the exe but nothing happens, is it normal?

It should run a program on the console (I have Windows), and that program will list the localhost ports, but honestly it's all such a mess.

I've posted a link to a rewritten version of the same game that runs in the browser fine.

I'd go back and add a screenshot, but it would just be some words since it's a text adventure. Also, I'm hesitant to edit the entry since the submission time has passed.

I hope you enjoy!